Now that everyone is settling back inside, gearing up for the colder months ahead. The entrance to your home should be more inviting than ever. These two projects I created for Good Housekeeping magazine
While I usually prefer Natural leaves, you can get great deals on fall silk garlands now. Double up store bought garlands of silk leaves so you have a thicker
than usual border around the door. I added small branches of the real
leaves pushed into the garland to bring it life. Place a grouping of
pumpkins and large gourds on the stoop. Perfect for Thanksgiving!
Not as Hard as it looks" Nut Wreath"
For something a bit more intimate, perhaps just a wreath. I have tons of acorns that fall from the Oak trees on my property, I love to gather them like shells on the beach, but then what??
I came up with this wreath for a Good Housekeeping article a few years back. It takes a lot of glue gun action to cover a grapevine wreath but the end result is very pretty, I added some seasonal nuts too, and silk leaves I borrowed from a garland.
Photos by Tria Giovan Project copyrights by Karin Lidbeck
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